Big Idea:
Keep Your Eyes on Heaven: Run What is Temporary Through the Lens of Eternity
I. Earth is a Terrible Investment Matthew 6:191 Timothy 6:7 Luke 12:13-21
Application Questions:
Where will this purchase be 100 years from now?
Is this purchase about your own kingdom?
How will this purchase or expenditure be used to glorify God?
II. Heaven is the Greatest Investment Matthew 6:20
Application Question:
How are you currently investing in Heaven?
III. Our Decisions with the Temporary Affect our Love for Christ and Service to Christ
Matthew 6:21, 24
Final Application:
Take a Spiritual Eye Exam- Matthew 6:22-23
Spiritual Eye Exam Questions:-
What treasure are you prioritizing? Earthly or Heavenly?
Who's kingdom are you building with your finances? Yours or Gods?
Will you take money you are putting towards earthly treasure and put it towards Heaven instead?
Is your heart more attached to earthly or heavenly treasure?