Sermon Notes
God is _____:
I. _____ God’s holiness
II. Experiencing God’s _____ (Isaiah 6:1-7)
A. Creation _____ (v. 1-4)
B. _____ quake (v. 5)
C. _____ is made (v. 6-7)
III. _____ to God’s holiness
A. We can _____ Him
B. We can _____ Him
1. Turn to Jesus in _____
2. _____ our sin
3. Pursue _____
4. _____ Him
Going Deeper
- D. A. Carson says, “The theme of the love of God, as precious as it is, is not all that the Bible says about God. It is irresponsible to talk about the love of God without considering the holiness, transcendence, and even the wrath of God.” How have you thought of God’s holiness in the past? How do you think of His holiness now?
- Author J. I. Packer says, “Religion [in the OT] was ‘the fear of the Lord’ – a matter of knowing your own littleness, of confessing your faults and abasing yourself in God’s presence…we must keep our place, and out distance, in the presence of a holy God.”We talked about this in the series on Nahum: big God, small me. How will you apply this truth in your life this week?
- James Boice says, “God is not indifferent to how men and women regard him…Rather, he wills and acts to see that his glory is recognized.”Why is this right?
- Read Psalm 18:41; 71:22; 89:18; Isaiah 1:4; 5:24. What is the Lord called? How is the Lord set apart from pagan gods?
- Read Ephesians 2:21; 5:26-27. What is the church meant to be? How should the church be set apart? See 2 Cor. 6:14-7:1.
- Read Ephesians 4:19-24. How does this passage describe the calling of those who are to be holy as God is holy?
- Do you hate your sin? James Boice says, “We do not naturally hate sin. In fact, the opposite is true. We generally love sin and loath to part with it. But we must learn to hate sin, or else we will learn to hate God who requires a holy life from those who are Christ’s followers.”
- Read Heb. 12:14. Why can no one see the Lord without holiness? How will you pursue holiness in your conduct this week (1 Peter 1:16)?
- James Boice says, “We will never be holy in the sense of the ‘Wholly Other,’ as he is. But we are first separated to him through Christ, as his holy ones, and then made righteous practically and increasingly as his nature gradually transforms our being.” Pray right now and ask God to shape you and mold you into aone who is holy as He is holy. Ask him for the resolve to hate your sin and worship Him!