
Numbers 13-14


  • Women's Ministry Teaching the Word Class this Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  • Community Youth Ice Cream Social this Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  • Foundations Conference Volunteers needed October 9-11- Sign up at the Welcome Center
  • Fondue Fest Volunteers needed September 7- Sign up at the Welcome Center
  • Fall Kickoff September 8th!

Sermon Notes

Story part 1-- A corn field vision

  • Question: Do you have a __________ that includes a problem
  • God sized dreams require __________  __________ .
  • Numbers 13:1-2
    • Context
    • The Journey toward the Promised Land
  • Numbers 13:17-20
    • V. 20 “be of good courage….”
    • V. 28 “however….”
    • Their __________ was stronger than their faith because their __________ seemed bigger than their God.

Story part 2--the WI DOT

  • Numbers 14:1-2
    • Faithless leadership spreads fear  __________ .
    • The ruinous impact of fear that trickles down
  • Numbers 13:30
    • Courageous faith turns issues into __________ .
    • V. 30 “Lets go up...when?... at once.
  • The gospel
    • The problem in our soul
    • “Be of good courage….”
    •  __________ is that ability to adapt and adjust
  • 3 principle
    • Have faith that is __________  __________  __________
    • Follow leaders who __________  __________  __________ and faith
    • Let the __________  __________ bother you

Story part 3—what happened?

Going Deeper

  1. Why do you think God directed Moses to send a group of leaders to check out the
    Promised Land?
  2.  Interact with this African Proverb: "if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far,
    go together." How is this relevant for the Christian life? The Church?
  3. Define what "eyes of faith"; looks like in real life and struggles.
  4.  What other story in the Bible reminds you of Caleb and Joshua's courageous faith?
  5. What or who gives you courage rather than fear when you are facing a difficulty?
  6.  How do you know when to trust leaders and how do you feel about Hebrews 13:17?
  7. What one step can you take to live more by courageous faith rather than fear of failure?