
Matthew 6:19-34

Sermon Notes

Big Idea: Pursuing the Kingdom of God shapes what we treasure.

  1. Jesus explores what people ___________________.

    a. Where your ____________ is, there your _____________ will be also (v.21).

    b. Seek ________ the _____________ of God.

  2. Earth vs. Heaven (vv.19-21)

    a. Treasures are those _________, __________, or _________ we __________.

    b. Treasures on __________ have a __________ life.

    c. Treasures in __________ are ___________.

  3. Bad Sight vs. Good Sight (vv. 22-23)

    a. The ________ reveals what is going on inside.

    b. The ________ eye is characterized by ____________.

    c. The ________ eye is characterized by ____________.

  4. Master vs. Master (v. 24)

    a. Mammon is not only dollars and cents, it a _____________.

    b. You cannot ___________ both _________ and __________ wholeheartedly.

  5. Anxiety vs. Trust (vv.25-34).

    a. Anxiety, in this context, is the _______ of _________.

    b. Trust is anchored in the _________ ___________ who cares.

  6. Pursuing the ____________ of God shapes what we _____________.

Going Deeper

  1. How do our treasures reflect what is valuable to us?
  2. How do we lay-up treasures in heaven?
  3. What does Biblical generosity look like? How do we reflect our Heavenly Father when we live with open hands?
  4. How does our materialistic culture impact us every day, including our spiritual life?
  5. Robert Mounce observed that, “worry is practical atheism and an affront to God.” What are we saying about God if we are caught up in worry?
  6. What is added to our lives if we take seriously Jesus’ call in Matthew 6:33?
  7. Jim Elliot wrote, “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he can never lose.” How is this quote challenging you, your perspectives, and your practices?