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Sermon Notes
I. God _______ Moses from death (v. 1-10)
II. Moses’ _______ compels him to choose a side (v. 11-14)
IV. Moses in _______ v. 15-22)
V. Israel _______ out for deliverance (v. 23-25)
God moves toward us in 4 ways:
- God _______ (His people’s cries)
- God _______ (his promises)
- God _______
- God _______
Going Deeper
- Read Exodus 2. God’s goodness is seen in v. 1-10. How did God deliver Moses? How did God use women to deliver Moses? R. Kent Hughes points out the parallels to Jesus: “Like Moses, [Jesus] was born under a death sentence. Herod the Great, a tyrant as wicked as any of the Pharaohs, was determined to put the newborn king to death. At first he tried to do it secretly, asking the wise men to tell him where Jesus was. When that deadly plan failed, Herod ordered his soldiers openly to slaughter all the baby boys in Bethlehem. But in salvation God triumphs over evil; so, like Moses, Jesus was delivered from death. While the other babies were crushed by the engines of state, the child who was born to save us
all escaped to Egypt (Matt. 2:1-19). In all of these events God was working out his plan down to the last detail, for salvation is his work from beginning to end.” - Read Acts 7:17-22 What do we learn about the Exodus?
- Look at v. 8-9. John I. Durham: “[Moses] is spared by being cast onto the very Nile that was to drown him, is treated with maternal kindness by the daughter of the very king who had condemned him
and to whose descendants he would become a nemesis, and is assigned as a responsibility with pay to the one woman in all the world who most wanted the best for him, his own mother.” - When Moses was 40 years old, what did he do in v. 11-12? Read Hebrews 11:24-26. How was Moses’ choice an act of faith? Do you think it was right for him to strike down the Egyptian? Why or why
not? What will you choose? Pursue Christ or pursue the world. We cannot serve two masters (Read Matthew 6:24). - Moses killing of the Egyptian became known. Some have claimed he had the right to kill anyone he wished because he was in the royal family. However, James Ackerman explains, “In acting to defend the Hebrews, Moses was challenging the basic foundations — social, political, and religious — on which Egyptian society had been established. It should come as no surprise that Pharaoh would seek to crush him.”
- Read v. 13-14. How did the Hebrews respond to Moses? This would be a pattern going forward in Exodus!
- Read v. 16-17. What did Moses do to deliver the seven daughters?
- Read v. 18-20 There is a contrast we should note: Moses stands up for one of his Hebrew brothers in v. 13 and is met with disrespect and rebellion. Moses stands up for foreign women in Midian and is met with open arms!
- Read v. 23. What is happening in Egypt? How are the people responding? How is this like prayer
- Participate with us in 21 Days of Prayer!
- God moves toward us in four ways in v. 24-25. What does God do to show that He is with us? How have you seen this tangibly in your life?
- Which of these four do you doubt most?
- God hears
- God remembers
- God sees
- God knows
Pray and ask God to increase your faith that he hears, remembers, sees and knows!