
Exodus 4:1-18

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Sermon Notes

I. First excuse: they won’t _________ t (v. 1)

A. Staff turns into a _________ (v. 2-5)

B.  _________ hand (v. 6-8)

C. Water to _________ v. 9)

II. Second excuse: I’m _________ eloquent (v. 10-12)

III. Final attempt: send someone _________ (v. 13-17)

  1. What has God commissioned you to _________ ?
  2. What _________ are you making?

Going Deeper

  1. What is Moses’ excuse for why he should not go to the Israelites?Why is this a ridiculous excuse (see Exodus 3:18)?
  2. Three signs are given to prove Moses has met with Yahweh. The first is Moses’ staff turning into a snake (v. 3). Pharaoh is the Serpent King. Peter Enns says the snake turning back into a staff: “symbolize[s] the spiritual and political authority that God will impose through Moses on
    Egypt.” Francis Schaeffer: “Consider the mighty ways in which God used a dead stick of wood. ‘God so used a stick of wood’ can be a banner cry for each of us. Though we are limited and weak in talent,
    physical energy, and psychological strength, we are not less than a stick of wood. But as the rod of Moses had to become the rod of God, so that which is me must become the me of God. Then I can
    become useful in God’s hands. The Scripture emphasizes that much can come from little if the little is truly consecrated to God.”
  3. What are the other signs (v. 6-7 and v. 8-9)? J. Alec Motyer says: “The Lord is a Lord of power – to transform (2-5), to renew (6-7) and to conquer (8-9) – and obedience is the channel through which all this power flows.”
  4. God has given us a sign. R. Kent Hughes says: “The truth is that God has given a sign. It is a miraculous sign — the sign of the empty tomb (see Matt. 12:39, 40). Jesus of Nazareth, also called Christ, claimed to be God’s Son. His earthly life ended on a wooden cross outside Jerusalem. The Bible says that his death paid the penalty for our sin. Then Jesus was buried. If he had remained in the tomb, there would be no sign that Jesus really is the Christ. But in order to prove that sin is forgiven through the cross
    and that we can have fellowship with God forever, Jesus was raised from the dead. His resurrection is the sign that Christianity is true — a sign recorded in Scripture and confirmed in historical accounts
    from many reliable eyewitnesses.”
  5. What is Moses’ second excuse (v. 10-12)? Read John 9:1-3. Who did Jesus see? What did the disciples say? Their question is wrong. What does Jesus say about this man?
  6. What is Moses’ final attempt to avoid going to Egypt in v. 13? What is God’s response in v. 14? What does this teach us about rebellion and sin in our hearts?
  7. God answers every one of Moses’ objections to go to Egypt:
    • 3:11 Moses: “I am nobody” 3:12 God: “I will be with you, I AM.”
    • 4:1 Moses: “They will not believe you sent me” 4:2 God: “Three signs.”
    • 4:10 Moses: “I am not eloquent.” 4:11 God: “I made the mouth”
    • 4:13 Moses: “Send someone else.” 4:14 God: “Take Aaron”
  8. Read v. 16. What is Moses going to be to Aaron? “As God” is mediator language. This points to 1 Timothy 2:5-6. How is Jesus a better mediator than Moses? Has Jesus been a mediator for you? How do you know?
  9. What is God calling you to do? What are excuses that you have been making? How will you lay down your excuses this week?