Sermon Notes
- We were _______ in our sins (v. 1-3)
- God made us _______ with Christ (v. 4-9)
- Through God’s _________ and _______ (v. 4-5)
- For God’s _______ (v. 6-7) C. By God’s _______ alone (v. 8-9)
- We are _________ to _______ (v. 10)
Going Deeper
- Read Isaiah 59:2. How is this passage similar to Romans 6:23 and
Ephesians 2:1-3? In what ways have you sinned? - How has our culture tried to soften the seriousness of sin? How have
churches tried to do the same? What do we need to do to be faithful? - In what areas of our culture do you see secularism, Satan and spiritual
darkness (Eph. 2:2)? How can we avoid being assimilated into this culture?
How can we speak truth into this culture? - How does verse 3 break down pride in our hearts?
- Eph. 2:1-3 describe what theologians call total depravity. John Stott
says, “The biblical doctrine of ‘total depravity’ means neither that all
human are equally depraved, nor that nobody is capable of any good, but
rather that no part of any human person (mind, emotions, conscience,
will, etc.) has remained untainted by the fall.” - Read Romans 5:12-14. How did sin enter the world? How was sin passed
on? Read Isaiah 6:1-5. What does God’s holiness do to Isaiah? Now read
Isaiah 6:6-7. What is the good news in this passage? How does this point to
Jesus? - Read Ephesians 2:4-5. What two qualities of God are shown in our being
making us alive with Christ? How will you show these two qualities to others
this week? - How are we saved according to the end of v. 5 and v. 8?
- Why is it significant that we were raised and seated with him (Christ) in
verse 6 (see Eph. 1:20)? How will you glorify God for this gift of his grace? - What were we created to do according to Eph. 2:10? What good works
has God prepared for you to do? How will you be obedient to do those goods
works this week?
“God does not leave us seated and inactive—he has started the new creation
in us that we might start walking in good works.”
-S. M. Baugh