
Ephesians 2:11-22

Sermon Notes

  1.  What you once ____ (v. 11-12)
  2. What Christ has ____ (v. 13-18)
    1. Reconciliation with ___ (v. 13)
    2. Reconciliation with _____ (v. 14-18)
  3. What you have now ______ (v. 19-22)
    1. God’s _______ (v. 19a)
    2. God’s ______ (v. 19b)
    3. God’s ______ (v. 20-22)

Going Deeper

  1. Read Ephesians 2:11-12. In what ways were they “far away”? What could
    they do to improve their status and standing?
  2. Read Ephesians 2:13. How were the Gentiles brought near? Look back to
    Ephesians 2:1-3 and then v. 4. What are the similarities between these
  3. Read Ephesians 2:14-15. Now read a parallel passage in Colossians 2:11,
    16-21. How are people groups brought together? How does this apply to
    your life today?
  4. Ephesians 2:15 says through Jesus’ death on the cross he created one
    “new man” = new people. We see this oneness theme continue later in
    Ephesians. Read Ephesians 4:4-6. Why is oneness so important to God?
  5. Read Ephesians 2:16. What did Jesus put to death? Why are there no
    second-class Christians? Is there any hostility in your life that Jesus need
    to put to death? Be specific.
  6. Read Ephesians 2:17-18. Paul’s wording is possibly drawn from Isaiah
    52:7 (cf. Acts 10:36) and Isaiah 57:19. How can we have access to God
    the Father? In what ways are you proclaiming the good news of peace to
  7. Have you ever considered your primary identity is that you are in
    Christ? Clement of Alexandria says Christians are: “Those who worship God
    in the third form…and the one race of the saved people.” How does this
    change the way you think about your “nationality”?
  8. Eph. 2:19 says Gentiles are members of God’s household. How might this
    have rubbed Jewish hearers the wrong way? Consider the false teaching that
    coerced Gentiles to be circumcised in order to be considered Christians.
  9. Is racial reconciliation possible? Why or why not? What is one step you
    can make toward reconciliation?
  10. God’s temple – Read the parallel passage: 1 Peter 2:4-8. What does it
    say about God’s people? What are God’s people to do according to 1 Pet.
    2:5? How will you offer spiritual sacrifices? What does it say about Jesus?
    Is Jesus precious to you? How do you show that in your life?
  11. Benjamin Merkle says, “Jewish believers had no theological ground for rejecting Gentile believers or viewing them as outsiders to God’s promises. Similarly, Gentiles could not look down on Jews as those who were culturally rejected by most of society. Both groups formed one new people of God. This message applies anywhere race, ethnicity, or economic status divides Christians from one another. According to Revelation, believers from ‘every tribe and language and people and nation’ (Rev. 5:9) will worship around God’s throne. But often the church on earth does not look like the church in heaven. We must work hard not to contradict the gospel inadvertently by refusing to worship, fellowship, or serve with people who look, speak, or act differently than we do.”
  12. Application questions to consider: Who are the outsiders in your life? What will you do to invite them in? Do you have hatred in your heart toward a different ethnic group? Or even a political group? Our battle is not against flesh and blood (read Ephesians 6:12). How will you maintain unity in your family, small group, or church? What steps will you take this week to be reconciled to others? Will you forgive others? Will you ask someone to forgive you?
  13. To go deeper on topics related to Critical Race Theory, check out and