Sermon Notes
I. The greatness of God (Psalm 90:1-12)
A. God is eternal (v. 1-2)
B. We are temporary (v. 3-12)
1. We are frail (v. 3-6, 9-12)
2. We are sinful (v. 7-8)
II. We can enjoy the eternal God
A. Through salvation in Christ
B. Enjoy His eternal presence
Going Deeper
- How is God different than us in relation to time (Mal. 3:6; Isa. 46:9-10;
Ps. 90:2)? How is this a comfort? - Paul Helm says, “Only a God who is immutable [unchanging over time] in
a particularly strong sense can (logically) perform all that Scripture claims
that God performs, and a God can only be immutable in this strong sense if
He exists timelessly.” Explain this in your own words. - Read John 5:26. How does “the Father has life in himself”? What does this
have to do with God being eternal? - Read Psalm 90:3. How does this show us that God is not bound to time?
- Read Psalm 90:3, 5-6, 9-10. Also read James 4:13-16. What do these
passages teach us about human beings? - Read Ephesians 5:15-21. What does this passage teach us about time?
What are some practical ways we can make the most of the time? How will
you apply these verses to your life this week? - Read 2 Tim. 2:8-10. How are we NOT saved? How are we saved?
Are you saved? How do you know? - Have you ever heard of Melchizedek? Read Genesis 14:17-24, Psalm 110
and Hebrews 7. Click below for a sermon on Melchizedek by D. A. Carson.
Click Here to Watch
Or search YouTube: Getting Excited About Melchizedek - Don Carson TGC - Read Hebrews 7:24-27. Why is it important that Jesus, as our High Priest,
is eternal? - Read Psalm 16:11. Where is our eternal pleasure found? Are you seeking
pleasure in God’s presence? You can spend time in God’s presence through
reading God’s Word, prayer, journaling, and meditating on His goodness.
Commit to spending time with God for 15 minutes every day this week. - Read Psalm 42. Why is the Psalmist seeking God (v. 3-11)? Are you
going through a difficult time? Spend time with God. Share your anxious
thoughts with Him. He will meet you in your time of need because God is