
Micah 6:1-8
How to Approach God

Sermon Notes

Historical context

I. God’s _____ against Israel (v. 1-5)

II. What does God _____ ? (v. 6-8)

A. Not _____ (v. 6-7) 

B. A  _____ life (v. 8)

What does a changed life look like?

  1. Act _____
  2.  Love _____
  3. Walk _____ with your God 

Going Deeper

  1. If you want to join us as we read through the Bible in a year, go to
  2. God has done so much for us. In what ways do we forget His goodness? How can we get back on track?
  3. Bruce Waltke describes redemption: “to transfer or free someone from another’s ownership through the payment of a price.” How did God do this for us?
  4. Israel thinks they need to make things right through payment in v. 6-7. What do they offer? Iain Duguid says the “Firstborn represents the special child that breaks open the womb and is the first sign of his father’s strength. It therefore had a special status in ancient Israel, and the firstborn male child held a double portion of the inheritance.”
  5. The natural outflow of a life transformed by the gospel is not paying God back! Read Romans 11:35. A changed life is not what we give to God, it is how we live for God. How are you living for God today?
  6. Read Deut. 10:18; Ps. 146:7. How does God show justice? How should we?
  7. Iain Duguid: “Too often, we think that simply saying a sinner’s prayer—a one-time commitment to the Lord at some point in our lives—is all that matters. Past moments of decision are of course important, but what the Lord calls us to is wholehearted obedience in the present.”
  8. If you struggle with sexual sin or pornography, go to
  9. Hesed: “Unqualified love; limitless love; stubborn, unceasing, dogged love that says, ‘I will not budge in my loyalty to you. I will stay with you even in the moments when there’s nothing in it for me.’” How has someone shown hesed to you? How will you show hesed to others this week?
  10.  Ian Duguid says: “When Jesus Christ laid down his life for his people, he did so in order that they could be filled with his Spirit and live a new life in which love, joy, peace, and other virtues pulsate through their lives (Gal. 5:22–23). Thus his people are called to be the body of Christ in the world (1 Corinthians 12), his feet and hands that bring and minister God’s grace and peace, clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, visit the prisoner, and give a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name, all flowing from a deep faith in Christ and what he has done (Matt. 5:42; cf. 25:31–45).”