
Matthew 5:3-12

Sermon Notes

  1. _______________  for Kingdom Christians (v. 3-9)
    1. Posture: recognize our desperate _______________  (v. 3-5)
    2. Centerpiece: desire_______________  (v. 6)
    3. Action: we live a_______________  life (v. 7-9)
  2. _______________  of being a Kingdom Christian (v. 10-12)

Going Deeper

  1. Read Matthew 5:1-2 (this is the setting of the Sermon on the Mount) v. 1a: Jesus “saw the crowds…”
    This implies that he saw the crowds and sought to get away from them. This would be a time of teaching to his closest disciples. v. 1b the mountain is more of a hill the disciples would have sat down in the slope in perfect position to hear everything Jesus said (amphitheater effect). v. 1c Jesus sat down-we think of this as a passive position unless we are in a courtroom and the Judge sits down with a gavel in hand. In Jewish culture sitting is a position of authority. Jesus is 30 years old – the age
    of authority. He is acting as a Rabbi. He is going to make authoritative statements about the Law.
  2. Dan Doriani says, “The Beatitudes are steeped in the OT. Some psalms begin, “Blessed is the man who . . .” (Psalm 1:1; 112:1), or, “Blessed is the one whose . . .” (Ps. 32:1; cf. Ps. 41:1). Each beatitude has ties to OT themes. The blessing on the poor and comfort for mourners (Matt. 5:3–4) comes from Isaiah 61:1–2. Psalm 37:11 declares that ‘the meek shall inherit the land,’ and Psalm 24:3–5 blesses the pure in heart.
  3. Read Psalm 73:25-26. How is this a posture of poor in spirit? Dan Doriani says: “The West typically admires self-reliance and confidence in the face of obstacles. True disciples, by contrast, know their spiritual weakness.”
  4. Read Luke 18:9-14. Who is poor in spirit? Who went home justified.
  5. Read Psalm 119:136; James 4:8-9. Do you mourn over your sin? Why or why not? How do these verses encourage us to mourn over sin?
  6. One author says meekness is the opposite of boldness (2 Cor. 10:1), quarrelsomeness (2 Tim. 2:24–25), and jealousy and selfish ambition (James 3:13–14; cf. 1:19–21; 1 Pet. 3:15–16). We grow in humility when we think of ourselves with sober judgment (read Romans 12:3).
  7. Read Matt. 5:6. Do you hunger and thirst for doing God’s will? What is God calling you to do today? What will you do about it?
  8. Read Matt. 5:7. Now read Matt. 18:21-35. How did the King show mercy? How did the servant NOT show mercy to his fellow servant?
  9. Read Matt. 5:8. The pure do good not for a reward but because theylove beauty and holiness (see Ps. 96:4–9; 1 Pet. 3:3–5). How do you need to grow in purity? What will you do to grow?
  10. Read Matt. 5:9. God’s Word urges people to negotiate peace, pursue it, make it, and live in it (see 2 Samuel 3; Ps. 34:14; Prov. 15:1; Rom. 12:18; 1 Cor. 7:15; Heb. 12:14; 1 Pet. 3:11). Jesus, the Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6), creates peace between God and man (Ps. 34:11–20; Luke 2:14; 7:50; 24:36; John 14:27; Eph. 2:11–19) (Dan Doriani).
  11. Why are those who are persecuted because of righteousness blessed (Matt. 5:10)? Read 1 Peter 4:12-14. How should we respond when we are ridiculed for the name of Christ?
  12. Consider how Jesus exemplifies the Beatitudes:
    1. Jesus was poor in spirit, though he was fully God.
    2. Jesus mourned over the sins of His people-he wept over Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
    3. Jesus was meek and humble.
    4. Jesus in the wilderness hungered not for bread but for righteousness. His food was to do His Father’s will. It was always on his mind.
    5. There was no one more merciful than Jesus. He told the woman caught in prostitution, “Go and sin no more.”
    6. Jesus was pure – his heart, mind, words and actions were right.
    7. Jesus came not only to make peace, but to be our peace (Eph. 2:14).
    8. Jesus was reviled, persecuted, beaten, whipped, tortured, and killed on a cross – even though he had never sinned! Take a moment to thank Jesus for all he has done for you!
  13. How are the Beatitudes counter-cultural? Which of the Beatitudes are challenging for you? Ask the Lord to help you grow in these qualities.