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Sermon Notes
- The journey to ________ (v. 1-5)
- God’s promise ________ (v. 6-7)
Evidence that I think life is about me:
- I am selfishly ________
- I seek ________ in temporary things
- My __________ focus only on me
Going Deeper
- Read these quotes about the book of Exodus:
- “In the Pentateuch [Gen.-Deut.], considered as a whole, there are only five major themes: God’s promise to the patriarchs; the exodus; God’s Self-revelation in covenant and law at Sinai; the wandering in the wilderness; the entrance into Canaan. Three of these five major themes are treated at length in the book of Exodus and, in addition, it looks back to the first theme and on to the last. Moses’ vision and call at Mount Sinai are deliberately shown as a fulfilment of God’s promise to Israel’s forefathers [Abraham, Isaac, Jacob], while the book ends with a promise of God’s leading till Canaan is reached. Therefore, while Exodus is only part of a wider and far larger whole, it is a real part and, in a sense, enshrines the heart of the whole pentateuchal revelation.” -Alan Cole
- “The exodus was the great miracle of the old covenant. Thus, many passages in the Psalms and the Prophets look back to it as the paradigm of salvation…In some ways the whole Bible is an extended interpretation of the exodus. Thus, the way to understand Exodus is to study the book
itself, in the context of the entire Bible.” –R. Kent Hughes - “Like the children of Israel, Jesus passed through the waters of baptism. Also like the Israelites, who wandered in the desert for forty years, Jesus went out into the wilderness for forty days. Upon his return he went up the mountain to give the law (Matt. 5-7), much as Moses brought the law down from Mount Sinai.” -R. Kent Hughes
- “[Exodus] explains the meaning of blood and sacrifice; it is a book of the grace which reached down from heaven and of the law which teaches redeemed sinners to live in heavenly terms.” -J. Alec Moyter
- “We need a provider, a God to feed us bread from Heaven and water from the rock. We need a lawgiver, a God to command us how to love and serve him. And we need a friend, a God to stay with us day and night, forever.” -R. Kent Hughes
- Read Exodus 1:1-7. To go deeper, read Genesis 37-50 to see how Israel ended up in Egypt. Read Psalm 105:23-25. This foreshadows what we will study in the rest of Exodus 1.
- In what ways do you live as if life is all about you? How will you change your attitude this week? How will you become more God-centered in your living, rather than self-centered (see Philippians 2:3-10).