Sermon Notes
- ___ will we go (Acts 1:4-8)
- _____ will we go (Matt. 28:18-20)
- ____ will we go (2 Cor. 5:17-6:2)
- ___ will we go (Romans 10:14-17)
Three Ways Community Church will go:
- Church ________
- Church-wide engagement in ________
- ________ evangelism training and local outreach
Going Deeper
- What are some of the culture wars that could be a distraction to the
mission of the church to go with the gospel? - How would you answer the question, “Who is the church for?” Explain
your reasons for your answer. - Read Matthew 13:31-33. How does the Kingdom grow?
- Why was it important for Jesus’ disciples to NOT go at first (Acts 1:4-5)?
- How does the Holy Spirit empower believers (Acts 1:8)?
- Have you ever share the gospel with someone? What happened? What did
you learn from that experience? - Where do we need to go (Matt. 28:19)? What is challenging about that
commission for you? - When do we need to go (2 Cor. 6:1-2)? Why is it so important for people
to respond to the gospel now? Today? - Why will we go (Rom. 10:14-17)? If we don’t go what will happen? What
is the progression of these verses? Why can’t we simply share the gospel
with our actions (look at v. 17)? - Where do you need to go this week with the gospel? To whom?
- Are there a few people you could invite to a Discovery Bible Study? Pick
a passage of Scripture – start with John 1:1-18 and ask these questions:- What does this say about God?
- What does this say about people?
- What will I do about it?
- Take time now to consider what you will do to GO.