
Nahum 1

Sermon Notes


Jonah (around _______ B.C.)

Israel’s exile (Assyria) (______ B.C.)

Nahum (_______ B.C.)

Nineveh destroyed by Babylon (______ B.C.)

Judah defeated by Babylon (______ B.C.)

I. The _____ (v. 1-7)

A. The LORD is _____ (v. 1-3a)

B. The LORD is _____ (v. 3b-7)

II. Man still tries to _____ (v. 8-14)

III. _____ to be proclaimed (v. 15)

Going Deeper

  1. Nahum 1:2-3 describe God as a powerful Warrior. He is just
    (righteous) and a defender of the oppressed. Read Psalms 7, 91 and
    98. How do these Psalms describe God as a Warrior for his people?
  2. Tremper Longman says, “God manifests himself as Savior and
    Judge. His appearance strikes joy in the hearts of his people and terror
    for those who have alienated themselves from him and his people.” If
    Jesus came back today, would you feel joy or terror? Why?
  3. Commentator Daniel Timmer defines God’s jealousy (from Nahum
    1:2): “[It is] God’s relentless commitment to his glory, honor, and
    holiness in the face of sinful opposition to him and his will.”
    How is this different than man’s jealousy?
  4. Why is it right for God to take vengeance and wrong for man to
    take vengeance (Rom. 12:19)?
  5. “The Lord is slow to anger but great in power” (Nah. 1:3). How is
    this combination significant? What does it teach us about God? What
    is your response to this truth?
  6. Read Nahum 1:4-6. In verse 6 we see the wrath of God again.
    How can God be both wrathful and loving (see v. 7)?
  7. Where do you often seek to take refuge? Why is Jesus the only
    one in whom we should take refuge? Read Romans 3:21-26.
  8. People in the Bible who have encountered God’s glory are amazed
    that they are still alive (Jacob in Gen. 32; the people of Israel in Deut.
    5; Gideon in Judges 6; Isaiah in Isaiah 6). What does this teach us
    about God? How does it increase our view of Him?
  9. Daniel Timmer says, “This promise in Nahum 1:8 is progressively
    fulfilled in Jesus’ earthly ministry when he exercises dominion over
    demonic forces (Mark 1:21–28) and renders the Devil powerless
    through his atoning death (Heb. 2:14). Its final completion awaits
    Christ’s final victory over all his enemies (Rev. 19:11–21) and the
    consignment of the Devil and his fellow rebels against God to the “lake of fire and sulfur” forever (Rev. 20:10). This righteous judgment elicits the praise of the saints (Rev. 19:1–3), and its logical counterpart is their full deliverance and eternal fellowship with the triune God in the new Jerusalem, where they will celebrate him as their Deliverer (Rev. 21:26). Until then, the church’s response to this hope is to live in obedient faith as it prays the prayer that closes the canon of Scripture: “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20).”
  10. Read Nahum 1:9. God does this in Assyrian history. Read 2 Kings 18-19. What does this story tell us about God? What does it tell us about people? What will you do about it?
  11. Read Nahum 1:10-11. How are God’s enemies described?
  12. Read Nahum 1:12-13. How do you see comfort? Doom?
  13. Read Nahum 1:15. Read Isaiah 52:7. Tremper Longman says, “The fulfillment of Isaiah 52 took place when the Persians defeated the Babylonians and then permitted the faithful Jews to return to Jerusalem to begin a program of rebuilding under Ezra and Nehemiah.” Now read Romans 10:14-15. How is this passage ultimately fulfilled? How will you have beautiful feet this week?
  14. How has your understanding of God’s greatness and justice changed after studying Nahum 1? How has your understanding of yourself changed?