
Luke 2:1-20

Sermon Notes

I. The Savior is _____ (v. 1-7)

II. The _____ tell it (v. 8-14)

A. To _____ (v. 8)

B. God's _____ comes (v. 9)

C. The angel shares the _____ (v.10-14)

III. The _____ tell it (v. 15-20) 

A. They decide to _____ and _____ for themselves (v. 15)

B. They found _____ (v. 16)

C. They go  _____ it (v. 17-18, 20)

D. Mary  _____ (v. 19) 

Goind Deeper

  1. Read Luke 2:4-5. What would have made this journey difficult?
  2. Read Luke 2:6-7. A manger is a stone feeding tough. Jesus came to the lowly. Read Philippians 2:5-7. What was the attitude of Jesus? How will you adopt this attitude this week?
  3. Read 2 Chronicles 6:12-7:3. Solomon’s long prayer leads into the glory of God filling the temple. How do people respond to God’s glory? This is the same glory that surrounded the shepherds in Luke 2:9.
  4. The angel brings “good news” to them, and in Isaiah the good news is restoration from exile (Isa. 40:9; 52:7). The good news here is for “all the people.” Some think this is limited to the Jews, but in
    Isaiah itself the good news includes Gentiles (read Isaiah 2:2–4; 11:10; 19:16–25; 42:6–7; 45:22; 49:6; 52:15; 55:4–5). We have an anticipation here of Acts, in which the gospel goes to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). -Thomas Schreiner
  5. God is praised in Luke 2:14. Make a list of reasons to praise God for who He is and what He has done. Take time to pray through the list.
  6. After finding Joseph, Mary and Jesus what did the shepherds do (v. 17)? How did people respond (v. 18)? When we share the good news of Jesus people might be amazed or they might doubt. Read 2
    Timothy 1:7. How does this verse give encourage you to go tell it?
  7. Read Luke 2:19. What did Mary do? How will you meditate on thecoming of Christ this Christmas?
  8. What stands out to you most about this passage? What will you do about it this week?