
Exodus 6:2-7:7


  • Men's Breakfast this Saturday in the cafe at 8:00 am
  • The Case for Christ Movie night at 6:30 pm next Sunday
  • Daddy Daughter Date night Friday, March 21- more details at
  • Discipleship Class this Tuesday at 6:30 pm- learn more and sign up at

Sermon Slides

Sermon Notes

I. The Lord’s ______________ (v. 2-13)

A. The Lord’s ______________ (v. 2-5)

B. The Lord’s ______________ (v. 6-8)

C. Moses and Aaron commissioned, ______________ (v. 9-13)

II. The relatives of ______________ (v. 14-27)

Three reasons for this genealogy:

1. It points backward to ______________ 

2. ______________ clan is highlighted

3. It points forward to the ______________ 

III. God’s ______________ 6:28-7:7)A

A. Moses and Aaron will ______________ (6:28-30)

B. Moses and Aaron will ______________ God (7:1-2)

C. Pharaoh will ______________  ______________ (v. 3-4)

D. The Egyptians will ______________ the Lord (v. 5)

E. ______________ retirees (v. 6-7)

Going Deeper

  1. Have you ever questioned, even accused God? Did you sense a response from Him? What was His response?
  2. R. Kent Hughes: “Exodus is a God-centered book with a God-centered message that teaches us to have a God-centered life.” What does it look like to have a God-centered life? Is your life a God-centered life?
  3. Read Exodus 6:4-5. How does the Lord respond to Moses’ accusation that He has not saved His people at all? Alec Motyer says: “Transformation comes through seeing the Lord as he is, past, present and future.”
  4.  Alec Motyer sums up v. 4-8 for us: “Who, then, is Yahweh, the LORD? The LORD keeps his word (4), feels our woes (5), sets us free (6a), brings us close to himself (6b, 7) and will eventually lead us home (8).” What promises has God made to us today? See Heb. 13:5…
  5. Desmond Alexander: “[God’s] words in verses 6-8…are clearly intended to reassure the Israelites.” Why might they need reassuring?
  6. Read Exodus 6:9. What do you think the Israelites said to Moses?
  7. Read Exodus 6:10-12. What is God’s command? How does Moses respond? Do we ever make excuses? Why?
  8. Read Exodus 7:1-2. How are you representing God in your world?
  9. Read Exodus 7:5. Why does God do it this way? Why is it important that the Egyptians know that He is the Lord? Desmond Alexander: “Ultimately, God’s intention is that people everywhere should not just know about him but know him personally through an intimate relationship with him.” Do you know God personally? How will you make him known to others this week?
  10. Read Exodus 7:6. Will you do just as God commands you this week? What is God commanding you to do? How will you obey?