
John 1:1-18


  • Christmas Eve Invites- Available at the Welcome Center- Please give them to your friends and family
  • Community Kids Christmas Program- December 17th- Both Services
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Sermon Note

I. Jesus is _______ (v. 1-4)

A. The Word is _____________

B. The Word is _____________

C. The Word is _____________

II. Jesus Came to ______________ (v. 5, 9, 16-18)

A. A shining ____________

B. Full of ___________ and ____________

III. Jesus is ___________ (v. 14)

A. He became _____________

B. He “________________” among us


  1. _____________ Him (v. 14)
  2. _____________ Him (v. 12)
  3. _____________ Him (v. 15)

Going Deeper

  1. Many people try to argue that Jesus is not God, but that God merely dwelled inside of Jesus (John 14:10). How would you respond to this argument? What Scripture passages would you turn to?
  2. Several verses in the New Testament use the word “God” (Greek: theos) in reference to Jesus (see John 20:24-29; Romans 9:5; Hebrews 1:6-8; Titus 2:13-14; 2 Peter 1:1). How might we use these verses to demonstrate the deity of Christ? How might Mormons or Jehovah’s Witnesses try to argue around these verses?
  3. Aside from verses that use titles like “God” or “Lord” when referring to Jesus, various divine actions or descriptions are also attributed to Him. For instance, compare John 1:3 to Genesis 1:1. If both of these verses are true, what is being said of Jesus?
  4. In addition to creation, salvation is also credited solely to God (see Isaiah 43:11; Psalm 3:8). Therefore, what is Peter implying in verses like Acts 2:21 (where he is quoting Joel 2:32) and Acts 4:11-12?
  5. God makes it clear that He does not tolerate mankind worshiping anything other than Himself (Exodus 20:3-6; Isaiah 42:8). Compare Isaiah 45:23 to what the Apostle Paul says in Philippians 2:9-11. What is Paul implying about Jesus in these verses?
  6. God commands exclusive obedience and service (see Deuteronomy 6:13; 10:20; 11:1; 13:4). What business does Jesus have commanding our obedience to His word? (see Matthew 28:18-19; John 8:51; 14:15)
  7. How does this study into the deity of Christ affect how we view Jesus? How does it affect our worship of and our obedience to Him?

 Recommended Reading for Further Study:

  • The Forgotten Trinity by James R. White
  • Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves