On Sunday mornings, kids can meet with teachers who love Jesus and friends who follow Jesus, too!

At our 9:00 am service, we offer FULL PROGRAMMING, including nursery for infants & toddlers and Sunday School for kids in preschool through 5th grade. Each group in preschool and up has a large group lesson, small group time, engaging activities and Scripture-based songs.

Large Group Time:  Bible teaching in a creative, relevant, age-appropriate way.

Small Group Time:  Groups of 5-10 kids meet with a caring leader who gets to know them as individuals and leads discussion about how the lesson relates to their everyday lives.

If you’re visiting with us, you can check in your children at the Community Kids Welcome Center. There, you’ll be helped to complete three simple steps:

  1. Fill in the Visitor Check In Sheet at the Welcome Center while a friendly staff checks you in our computer system.
  2. Visitor Name Tags will be created for you… one for your child to wear and one for you to keep until it’s time to pick him or her up after service. 
    • Red dots on the name tags note children with allergies/medical concerns.
    • Each tag has a unique session code that changes each week for added security during pick-up.
    • Both the parent and child name tags are needed to complete the check-in and check-out process*.
  3. We will walk you and your child to the appropriate nursery or classroom so you're familiar with our rooms. We can introduce you to our amazing volunteer teaching staff, too! Then, that’s it! Enjoy the service!

Regular attenders will check their children into their own classrooms using our online check-in system. We offer self-check or staffed check-in stations for families registered in our system. We have friendly staff available to help with the new online system!

*To pick up your child, you will need the parent sticker given at check-in; it has a unique session code each week that matches your child that day. Please keep it in a safe place! If you misplace a sticker, a replacenent may be given at the Welcome Center with a valid ID. Thank you for helping to keep our children safe!

PLEASE NOTEFull programming through 5th grade is available during our 9:00am service at this time. Also, if you haven't completed a PINK info and consent form for the 2024-2025 school year, please see Miss Kimberly at the Welcome desk for a copy, or print off a copy of the PDF file below and bring it to church on Sunday.

We look forward to meeting you and your family!