- FMSC Mobile Pack is this Saturday
- Help for the Homeless Hygiene drive is happening now until March 16 in the lobby
- Spring Discipleship Classes kick off this Tuesday with Apologetics: Introduction taught by Jim Schuster- sign up at
Sermon Slides
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Sermon Notes
I. Bold __________ (v. 1-5)
II. Unexpected __________ (v. 6-21)
A. The __________ (v. 6-9)
B. The __________ administered (v. 10-18)
C. The Israelites are __________ (v. 19-21)
Why do we overreact when we suffer?
1. We believe God’s primary goal is our __________ .
2. We don’t __________ the Word of God.
3. We don’t __________ the Word of God.
III. Bring __________ to the LORD (5:22-6:1)
A. __________ the LORD (v. 22-23)
B. The LORD will __________ (6:1)
Going Deeper
- Look at v. 1. Is this what the LORD told them to say and do? Read Exodus 3:18. What the LORD told Moses to do? Did he do it?
- What does Pharaoh say in response in v. 2? Henri Frankfort: The Egyptians believed that “in the person of pharaoh, a super human being had taken charge of the affairs of man. And this great blessing, which insured the well-being of the nation, was not due to a fortunate accident, but had been foreseen
in the divine plan. The monarchy then was as old as the world, for the creator himself had assumed kingly office on the day of creation. Pharaoh was his descendant and his successor.” How does this help us understand why Pharaoh considered that he was a god? - Read v. 3. This is much closer to the message the Lord told Moses to share in Exodus 3:18. What is the threat to Pharaoh and all the people in Egypt if he does not let Israel go?
- What is Pharaoh’s response in v. 4-5? Göran Larsson says, “The critical issue to be settled is nothing less than who is in charge, who has the authority over the people of Israel and ultimately over all
nations and all of creation: the God of Israel or the gods of Egypt, manifest in Pharaoh.”
Peter Enns says: “Pharaoh is not a neutral figure, but opposes theIsraelites and their God.”
The book of Exodus is about Yahweh v. Pharaoh and it’s not contest! - Read v. 9. What heavier work does Pharaoh give Israel? Historian, Howard Vos: “They worked out in the hot Egyptian sun all day (often in temperatures over 100°), driven to optimum production by their taskmasters. They had no hats to protect their heads and wore nothing but a brief kilt or apron on their bodies…A wealthy Egyptian father talked with his son about the condition of their bricklayers. He observed that their ‘kidneys suffer because they are out in the sun…with no clothes on.’ Their hands are ‘torn to ribbons by the cruel work.’ And they have to ‘knead all sorts of muck.’ Certainly no one stood by to give the workers a drink every few minutes. It does not take much imagination to conclude that the severe ‘rigor’ imposed on the Hebrews resulted in many of them dying of dehydration, heat prostration, heatstroke and the like.”
- Read v. 15. Who did the Israelite foremen cry out to? What does this show us? Read Mark 4:16-17. How are the Israelites are like the seed sown on rocky soil?
- When we are in trouble, to whom should we cry? Ps. 86:6-7 Why is this better?
- How does Pharaoh respond to the cries of the Israelite slaves (v. 17-18)? Pharaoh is a cruel “god.” R. Kent Hughes: “Exodus teaches that to be saved is to be rescued from slavery in order to serve the living God.” Freedom is found when we serve the one true God! How do you find yourself serving idols in your life, rather than God? What will you do to repent of idolatry?
- Read v. 20-21. What do the Israelite foremen do? Tony Merida poins out: “Ultimately, the people will do the same to Jesus, the great prophet, and they will crucify him (Acts 7:51-53).”
- Moses was discouraged by this confrontation and the harder work imposed on the Hebrew people. He brings his discouragement to God in Exodus 4:22-23. What are his complaints?
- What should we expect as faithful followers of Christ? Read 1 Thess. 2:13-14; 1 Pet. 4:12-13; Jas 1:2-4; Heb. 12:7; 1 Pet. 1:6-7.
- How does God respond to Moses in Exodus 6:1? How is that a cause for hope? In what ways do you need to be patient to “see what God will do”? Pray for patience and ask the Holy Spirit to give you strength as you wait on the Lord.