
Acts 8

Sermon Notes

I. The church _______ through persecution (8:1b-3)

II. The gospel spreads in _______ (v. 4-25)

A. Samaritans _______ (v. 4-8)

B. _______ of the gospel spreading (v. 9-25)

1. The town magician _______ to the message (v. 9-13)

2. Samaritans _______ the Holy Spirit (v. 14-17)

3. Spurious _______ (v. 18-25)

III. The gospel goes to _______ (v. 26-40)

Going Deeper

  1. Read Acts 8:1-3. How did the church spread? Does persecution make you nervous? Why or why not?
  2. Read Acts 8:4-8. What did Philip do in the Samaritan city? How did the crowds respond? Are signs and wonders normal for today? Why or why not?
  3. Simon seems to respond to the gospel message because he “believed” and was baptized (v. 13). Read Acts 8:18-24. What evidence in this interaction reveals that maybe Simon did not truly repent and receive Christ as his savior?
  4. Read 1 John 1:6; 2:3-6. Of the two options John offers, which is Simon? How do you evaluate yourself according to these verses?
  5. Read Acts 8:14-17. Why was it important for Peter and John to go to Samaria?
  6. Read Acts 8:26. Have you ever had the Holy Spirit say something to you? What did you do in response to the Spirit?
  7. How did Philip go outside his comfort zone to share the gospel with the Ethiopian eunuch? How is God calling you to go outside your comfort zone? What will you do to be obedient?
  8. Read Acts 8:32-35. Do you know the Scriptures well enough to share the gospel with someone? Read the Bible with us this year! Go to
  9. Philip faithfully proclaims the gospel to Samaritans (who he used to despise) and to an Ethiopian eunuch. With whom do you need to share the gospel this week? Pray for courage and wisdom to share
    the good news.