
Acts 23:12-35

Sermon Notes

I. The plot to __________ Paul (v. 12-22)

II. Paul is __________ (v. 23-35)

A. An __________ surrounds him (v. 23-24)

B. A __________ prepares the way for him (v. 25-30)

C. __________ to Caesarea (v. 31-35)

How do I trust God is in control? 

  1. Trust His __________
  2. Trust His __________
  3. Distrust our __________

Going Deeper

  1. Has there been a time in your life when you wondered if God’s arms were long enough to save? Read Isaiah 59:1. The problem is in verses 2-8. What is the good news for us today? See Romans 5:8.
  2. Look at Acts 23:11. What did the Lord do for Paul? R. Kent Hughes comments, “Christ greeted Paul with one word (though our English Bible renders it with two)—“Take courage.” How that must have
    soothed Paul’s soul. Only Christ uses this word in the New Testament, and all five instances brought wonderful comfort. He called to the bedridden paralytic, “Take heart [courage], my son; your sins are forgiven” (Matthew 9:2). To the woman with the twelve-year hemorrhage he said, “Take heart [Courage], daughter; your faith has made you well” (Matthew 9:22). To his frightened disciples as he came to them across the storm- tossed Sea of Galilee he said, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid”
    (Matthew 14:27). In the Upper Room, on the night of his crucifixion, he said, “Take heart [Courage]; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). This is Christ’s unique word for all who are trying to serve him!”
  3. Read Acts 23:12-15. What do the Jews plot? Brian Vickers points out: “They are upset with Paul over his teaching concerning Jesus and the Mosaic law, yet they themselves will not blink to break the law at any point to murder Paul, even going so far as to encourage a miscarriage of
    justice, which the council agrees to pursue.”
  4. In v. 16-22 we see the plot is found out. God protects Paul through Rome through the rest of the chapter. R. Kent Hughes says: “Though Christ is with all his children all the time, he is especially with those who are faithfully serving him. As we follow Christ, he stands with us.”
  5. This is the last time Paul is in Jerusalem. The Jews are unwilling to repent and believe the gospel. This fulfils Luke 13:35; 21:20, 24.
  6. Read Is. 8:10. How does this verse show that God is in control? Do you struggle to believe God is in control? Why?
  7. Darrell Bock: “It is one of the mysteries of God and his providence that many times we cannot see why things are happening as they are. Yet God is surely at work in ways we could not have planned for ourselves.”
  8. How will you grow in your trust God’s ability, God’s promises and distrust your feelings? Which of these three is most challenging?