
Acts 27

Sermon Notes

  1. Unfavorable ____________ (v. 1-8)


  1. A Foolish ________________ (v. 9-12)


  1. Paul’s ___________ (v. 9-10)
  2. The ______________ Decides (v. 11-12)


  1. A ___________ Storm (v. 13-20)


  1. ____________ Hope (v. 13)
  2. Loss of ____________ (v. 14-19)
  3. Loss of __________ (v. 20)


  1. Paul is _______________ (v. 21-38)


  1. Anchored in ____________ (v. 21-25)
  2. __________ of Grace (v. 26-38)


  1. God ______________ (v. 39-44)


  1. From the _____________ (v. 42-43)
  2. From the _________ (v. 44)

Going Deeper

  1. Many of us have heard people say, “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” Where does this idea come from? Is it in the Bible? Read Acts 27:14-20. Was this storm more than what the crew could handle?
  2. Read 1 Corinthians 10:13. What is the difference between what Paul says here about temptation and the idea that “God won’t give you more than you can handle”?
  3. Read John 15:5. How does Paul apply this principle when he’s in the middle of the storm? What does it look like for us to abide in (or “hold fast to”) Jesus?
  4. Read Romans 8:28. What are some things that happen in this world that make you wonder how God could possibly be using it for our good?
  5. Consider this quote by Brian Borgman: “God wants us to have white-knuckle faith.” Based on what we see in Acts 27 and in our lives, do you think that’s true? Why or why not?
  6. Read James 1:2-4. What is one of the hardest things a person could go through in this life? According to these verses, how might God use something like that for someone’s good?
  7. Peter says God “has given us very great and precious promises…” (2 Peter 1:4) What are some examples of those promises? What has God given us to hold on to when we go through adversity? Do you have any favorites? Have you memorized any of these promises?
  8. Consider memorizing one or more of these promises: Matthew 28:20; John 3:16; John 10:27-28; Romans 8:1; Romans 8:28-29; Romans 8:37-39; 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24; Hebrews 4:14-15; Revelation 21:4