
Acts 28

Sermon Notes

I. Ministry in __________ (v. 1-10)

A. God __________ Paul (v. 1-6)

B. __________ ministry (v. 7-10)

II. Traveling to __________ (v. 11-13)

III. Paul in __________ (v. 14-31)

A. Paul is __________ by Christians (v. 14-15)

B. Paul declares the __________ (v. 16-28)

1. __________ soldiers (v. 16)

2. The __________ (v. 17-28)

How should we share the gospel?

  1. __________
  2. __________

C. The gospel __________ (v. 30-31) 

How can I pass the baton?

  1. Live for __________ Kingdom, not the Kingdom of this world
  2. __________ to the end

Going Deeper

  1. What do the people on the island say in v. 4? All people have a sense of Justice – whether from Almighty God or fate. How would you define biblical justice?
  2. When Paul does not die from the snake the people call him a god. The fickle nature of ignorant people has happened before in Acts. John Stott says, “So fickle is the crowd that in Lystra Paul was first worshiped, then stoned (14:11-19) while on Malta he was first called a murderer, then a god. But the truth was neither extreme.” What do fickle human beings need?
  3. Paul begins to heal many on the island. Brian Vickers says, “We should consider how Paul’s ministry on Malta mirrors most clearly the ministry of Jesus, especially when the Gospel writer—particularly Luke—put special emphasis on his acts of healing, exorcism, and feeding in the greater context of his teaching ministry (e.g., Luke 4:38–41; 5:12–16; 7:1–17; 8:26–39, 40–55; 9:10–17, 37–43; 13:10–17; 18:35–43).”
  4. Read Luke 4:14-30. Jesus is saying the purpose of healing ministry is to signal the coming of the Kingdom of God in Christ. In a way, this is mirrored on Malta. Read Isaiah 61:1-2 and Luke 7:22-23. When we see “prosperity gospel preachers” or “faith healers” what tends to follow their works (asking for money!). How is this out of step with what we see in the Bible?
  5. What was Paul’s reaction to the fellowship of Christians as he comes into Rome (v. 15)? How will you encourage other believers to take courage this week?
  6. We need to share the gospel tirelessly and persuasively (v. 23). Which do you find more challenging? Why? How will you share the good news more effectively and pass the baton this week?
  7. Read v. 25-28. What does Paul say? How do the Jews respond? What does this prove? Read the prodigal Son story in Luke 15:11-32. Which brother are the Jews like?
  8. Read John 12:37-43. Why do some not believe? The ones who do believe do not confess him (v. 42). Why? Do we have this same temptation?
  9. Read v. 30-31 How does Paul’s evangelizing activity fulfill Luke 24:47? Do you lack boldness? Read Eph. 6:19-20; Phil. 1:15-20. What will you do?

Questions for pondering.
1. What are the top three things you learned from the book of Acts?

2. How were you specifically challenged by the book of Acts?

3. What questions do you still have?

Find some Christians friends and share your answers.