
Acts 10

Sermon Notes

I. ________ (v. 1-16)

A. Cornelius’________ (v. 1-8)

B. Peter’s________ (v. 9-16)

II. Peter is sent to ________ (v. 17-43)

A. Peter ________ to Caesarea (v. 17-33)

B. Peter shares the________ (v. 34-43)

1. The gospel is for________ peoples (v. 34-35)

2.________ Christ is Lord of all (v. 36)

3. Jesus’ ________ death and resurrection (v. 37-41)

4.________ will be judged (v. 42)

5. Respond to the gospel (v. 43)

III. Gentiles________ the Holy Spirit (v. 44-48)

Going Deeper

  1. Read Acts 10:2, 4. Have you ever heard that God helps those who help themselves? Is it true? Brian Vickers says: “This is not an example of God helping those who help themselves, meeting someone halfway, or acting because he recognizes good works and identifies Cornelius as a good candidate for the kingdom… Cornelius’s prayers and alms, however, do not save him. God directs him to Peter for that.” If we are not saved by doing good works, how are we saved (Eph. 2:8-9)?
  2. What is Cornelius’ vision (v. 3-6)? Some claim to have visions or special revelations from God today. How should this be tested?
  3. What is Peter’s vision (v. 9-16)? Why did he argue with the voice of the Lord? Jesus spoke about foods not making people clean or unclean (Mk. 7:14-23; Lk. 11:39-41). What really makes a person unclean?
  4. What did the Holy Spirit tell Peter to do in v. 19-20? How might this be difficult for him to do? Why?
  5. Be honest. Do you feel superior to other people or groups? Why is this wrong? How do you need to change your mind?
  6. The cross is the basis for unity (Eph. 2:14-15; Col. 2:14).
  7. How does Cornelius show his ignorance in v. 25? What is Peter’s response in v. 26? How do we find ourselves worshiping people today?
  8. What does Peter say in v. 28? How did God show him this truth? Do you treat some people as unclean? Are you guilty of favoritism or unfair prejudice? What will you do to change?
  9. What does Peter highlight when sharing the gospel in v. 34-43? How can you use this as a pattern for sharing the gospel with others?
  10. How is the gospel inclusive and exclusive at the same time (v. 43)?
  11. Why is it surprising that the Gentiles received the Holy Spirit (v. 45)? William Larkin: “Salvation blessings have been poured out on uncircumcised Gentiles. This challenges the Jews’ basic assumption that a holy and pure God would not pour out his Holy Spirit on profane, common and unclean Gentiles, unless they became holy and ritually pure through becoming Jews.” Who do you need to welcome in the name of Christ?