
Acts 18:1-22

Sermon Notes

I. Paul in __________ (v. 1-8)

A.  __________ (friends refresh Paul (v. 1-4)

B. Old friends __________ Paul (v. 5)

C.  __________ ministry to Gentiles (v. 6-8)

II.  __________ from the Lord (v. 9-17)

A. A night __________ (v. 9-11)

1. __________ to keep proclaiming (v. 9)

2. God __________ His presence, protection and people (v. 10) 

B. Resistance __________ (v. 12-13)

C. Gallio __________ Paul (v. 14-17)

III. Paul goes __________ (v. 18-22)

Going Deeper

  1. Read Acts 18:1-2. How do you think Paul was encouraged by meeting Aquila and Priscilla?
  2. Aquila, Priscilla and Paul made tents to make a living (see 1 Cor. 4:12; 9:15, 18; 1 Thess. 2:9; 2 Thess. 3:8). Why was it important for Paul to have this skill of making tents?
  3. Read 1 Cor. 2:1-5. How does Paul describe this experience of coming to Corinth? What is his point?
  4. Read 2 Cor. 11:8-9. How did this financial gift help Paul in Acts 18:5? How can you be generous with missionaries?
  5. How does Paul respond to the Jews resistance and blasphemy in v. 6? Read Ezekiel 33:5. How is the language similar? Is Paul’s response justified?
  6. How did God provide for Paul’s ministry to the Gentiles in v. 7? What does this teach us about God?
  7. What did the new believers do at the end of v. 8? Have you been baptized as a believer? If not, why not
  8. Read Acts 18:9-10. What does God tell Paul in this vision? How is it refreshing and encouraging to him? How is it refreshing to you?
  9. God promises to be with His people throughout the OT. Read Deut. 31:6; Josh. 1:5; Is. 41:10; 43:5; Jer. 1:7-9. Why is God’s presence so important?
  10. How did God fulfill his promise that no one will harm Paul in v. 14-16? What does this teach us about God’s sovereignty?
  11. Read Matthew 11:28-30. How can you find refreshment in Jesus? What will you do to find rest in Him this week?
  12. How can you be a refreshment to others this week? Who needs to be refreshed by you?

Happy Mother’s Day!