
Acts 16:13-40

Sermon Notes

I. _________ (v. 13-15)

II.  _________ girl (v. 16-24)

III. A Roman _________ (v. 25-34)

How to live as one who has been delivered:

1. Be _________

2. Keep your eyes on God’s ultimate _________

3. _________ identify yourself as a Christian

IV. _________ and Silas (v. 35-40)

Going Deeper

  1. In what ways does our culture seek to find deliverance?
  2. Look at Acts 16:13. What did they expect to find? What did they do when they go there? What opportunities is God giving you to share the gospel?
  3. What did God do for Lydia in v. 14? Read 2 Cor. 4:3-6. What does this teach us about the lost?
  4. Brian Vickers says: “When Luke reports how Lydia and “her household as well” are baptized (v. 15), some take this to include not only family and servants, but also infants (if present). But proponents and opponents of infant baptism both have to deal with Luke’s silence on the matter directly. He does not say that infants either were or were not present in the Acts households. He is, however, not silent about the fact that believers who receive the Spirit are baptized (9:17–18; 10:44–48; 19:1–10). We should remember that Luke does not always mention receiving the Spirit and baptism in every conversion story, but he never explicitly describes baptism for anyone without the Spirit.”
  5. When Paul speaks in the name of Jesus the slave girls is immediately delivered. Read Luke 4:35; 8:29; 9:42; 11:14. How are these instances similar?
  6. Read Acts 16:19-21. What was the accusation? What was the response of the crowd and the Magistrates in v. 22-23? Paul and Silas were Roman citizens, yet they suffered injustice. How should we as Christians respond to injustice and corrupt governments? Brian Vickers says: “The early Christians were not insurgent, counter-imperial rebels reacting against the government. Such a view puts the cart before the horse. The gospel is not a reaction to Rome comparable to the response of underground groups to oppressive governments. Take away an oppressive government, and underground movements and rebellions vanish. The Christian faith is not dependent on Rome or any other government for its purpose or fuel. Christianity is countercultural because it is based on an entirely different worldview. Sometimes that worldview is compatible with a secular government; often it is not. The gospel will eventually run contrary to every earthly government because no earthly government will ever share entirely the Christian worldview.”
  7. Paul and Silas are beaten. Read Gal. 6:17; 2 Cor. 11:23, 25; 1 Thess. 2:2
  8. Beaten and bloody what do we find Paul and Silas doing in v. 25? They are living out what Luke says in Acts 5:41.
  9. When the earthquake happened the prisoners did not escape! William Larkin Jr. says: “The earthquake and the prisoners’ willingness to remain have vindicated the message and the messengers.”
  10. What must I do to be saved? Read Acts 16:31. What did the jailer do when he and his household believed (v. 33)? Have you been baptized as a believer? If not, what is holding you back? Come to the baptism class on Sunday, April 28 at 10:45 a.m. to learn more about baptism!
  11. Paul knew his rights as a Roman citizen (v. 36-37). Do you know your rights? As responsible citizens it is right to hold authorities accountable for the laws of our land. What is a practical way we should do this (with a godly attitude)?
  12. Read Romans 13:1-7. What are Christians called to do in this passage? How can we apply this text to today?
  13. Brian Vickers says: “Acts is not a guidebook for political action, but Luke does show us that the early Christians do not intend to subvert the government. They conform to it except when the gospel is at stake.” If the government establishes laws that are contrary to God’s laws, what should we do as faithful Christians?
  14. If you have been delivered how are you living it out in your everyday life? Be specific.