
Acts 17:16-34

Sermon Notes

I. See the __________ (v. 16-21)

II. __________ to culture (v. 22-34)

A. Recognize __________ (v. 22-23)

B.  __________ the one true God (v. 24-29)

1. God is the __________ (v. 24)

2. God is __________ (v. 25)

3. God is __________ (v. 26)

4. God is __________ (v. 27)

5. God gives __________ (v. 28)

6. God is not __________ (v. 29)

7. __________ a response (v. 30-34)

Going Deeper

  1. God grieves over idolatry. Read Deut. 9:18; Ps. 106:28-29; Is. 65:2-3. How does God feel about our idolatry?
  2. What did Paul see that grieved him in Athens? Does idolatry grieve us? Why or why not?
  3. How did Paul respond to the idolatry in Athens (v. 17)?
  4. Sean Finnegan says the marketplace = “the center of public and business life…and people met there every day to learn the latest news…Temples and government buildings, shops and offices, and altars and statues filled [the marketplace].” What is our modern day marketplace? In what ways do you speak for the Lord there?
  5. Brian Vickers says: “Epicureans sought what we would call the ‘good life,’ searching out how to live peacefully and to be content and satisfied in the world. For them the gods were, at best, remote. Stoics, on the other hand, believed basically in what we might call fate and that the best way to live was for each individual to take responsibility for self-discipline and to avoid extremes in all directions.
  6. God does not live in shrines or temples (1 Kings 8:27; Acts 7:48-50). What are ways we try to contain God?
  7. God is independent. Read Ps. 50:7-15. How does this give you peace? Brian Vickers: “This one God is self-sufficient, needing neither man-made temples nor sacrifices (vv. 24–25). This comment is similar to Stephen’s proclamation to his Jewish audience (7:48–50), applied here in a different context. Of all Paul’s statements in Acts, this may be the most radical, or perhaps it is better to say that Paul’s statement in Athens makes Stephen’s all the more radical. "These Greek idols and their temples are no
    more the dwelling place of the God of the universe than is the post-resurrection temple in Jerusalem.
  8. Read v. 26. How does God show His sovereignty? How does God’s absolute sovereignty give you hope
  9. Read v. 27. How has God shown His nearness to you?
  10. Read v. 28. Why is it that in him we live and move and have our being? What is Paul saying to the Athenians?
  11. Read v. 29-30. What is Paul saying about God? Why is it important to repent? “he has set a day” see Lk. 17:24, 30; 21:34-36 “he will judge the world” see Acts 11:28 “with justice” see Ps. 96:13 “by the man he appointed” see Jn. 5:27
  12. John Stott: “[Paul] proclaimed God in his fullness as Creator, Sustainer, Ruler, Father and Judge…Today’s world needs a bigger gospel, the full gospel of Scripture.” How will you bring the full gospel of Scripture into your sphere of influence this week?
  13. How did the crowd respond in v. 32? What did Paul do in v. 33?
  14. What did others do in v. 34?
  15. What idols do you need to destroy in your life? How will you do it? Who will hold you accountable to do it? John Stott says: “There is no logic in idolatry; it is a perverse, topsy-turvy expression of our human rebellion against God.”
  16. Why is it so hard to destroy idols in our lives?
  17. Take time to pray and ask God to help you worship and serve Him only this week!