
Acts 20:1-16


  • Last day to sign up for Dinner 6 is tomorrow!
  • Community Kids Summer volunteers are neeed- sign up in the Community Kids Hallway
  • Second Sunday Social is next Sunday- right after service!

Sermon Notes

I. Encouragement before ________ on (v. 1-6)

II. Encouragement in ________ (v. 7-12)

III. Encouragement in the ________ (v. 13-16)

Who to encourage:

  1. The  ________ (Isaiah 40:28-31)
  2. The ________ (Psalm 34:18)
  3. The ________ or suffering (James 5:14-15)
  4. The ________ (2 Timothy 1:7)

Why we can encourage: the ________ ! (1 Cor. 15)

Going Deeper

  1. Brian Vickers: “[Acts 20] begins what many scholars note as a parallel to the ministry of Jesus, who in his last year turned south from Galilee to travel to Judea and Jerusalem.” Just as Jesus set his
    face to go to Jerusalem, Paul heads to Jerusalem where he will be put on trial multiple times before ultimately being executed (not recorded in the book of Acts).
  2. What did Paul offer the disciples in v. 2? Why was that so important? What are some specific ways you seek to encourage fellow believers? Are there ways you can grow in being an encouragement
    to others? How?
  3. What day of the week did the disciples break bread together in v. 7? Why is this significant? What precedent do we see already developing? Why is weekly gathering of believers so important?
  4. What did Paul do when Eutychus fell three stories to his death (v. 10)? There is a parallel with the ancient prophets Elijah (1 Kgs 17:19ff) and Elisha (2 Kgs. 4:32-33). How is Paul doing something
    similar to Elijah and Elisha?
  5. When Eutychus was all right they went back upstairs and Paul talked until dawn! Why? Brian Vickers says: “This gives us some idea of Paul’s desire to equip believers for living the Christian life, as well as his willingness to go without rest or sleep for the sake of others (see 2 Cor. 11:27).”
  6. Who can you encourage this week (the weary, the brokenhearted, the sick or suffering, the fearful? How will you encourage them?
  7. Why can we be encouraged? Read 1 Corinthians 15 in its entirety. What is Paul emphasizing in this chapter? Why is the resurrection so important? What will you do in response to the fact that Jesus is